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Damascus, Syria

i did not march, but in my heart i was marching…i was praying instead!
i went to syria on an interfaith peace pilgrimage,
flying through a wall of media created fear,
as Bush threatened to bomb Syria.
arriving in a humble country,
we walked and talked with leaders of mosques,
and churches,
and with revoluitionaries who had spent half their life in jail, for speaking out.

my heart was connected, and my spirit.
i was so angry, incensed,  with what appeared to be a modern dictatorship,
ie. the british government, that my life changed direction,
and i headed off, towards Ireland, on my boat
the mission: to heal the waters
aim: claim another passport, thereby divorcing this country.
that, is another story…suffice to say, i am still in the uk
and i am still totally against injustice, meddling, and WAR!