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Marina Sitrin

Marina SitrinMarina Sitrin is a writer, lawyer, teacher, organizer, militant and dreamer.

She is the editor of Horizontalism: Voices of Popular Power in Argentina (2006). She is the author of Everyday Revolutions: Horizontalism & Autonomy in Argentina (2012).

Together with Dario Azzellini, they have co-authored They Can’t Represent US! Reinventing Democracy From Greece to Occupy (2014) and Occupying Language: The Secret Rendezvous with History and the Present (2012).

Marina’s work has been published in: The International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Znet, Yes! Magazine, Tidal, The Nation, Dissent!, Upping the Anti, Journal of Aesthetics and Protest, alternet.org, and Prensa Latina, among others. She has a JD in International Womens’ Human Rights from CUNY Law School and a PhD in Global Sociology from Stony Brook University.