September 11th is always a difficult day. My brother, Bill Kelly Jr. was killed at the World Trade Center. My life, as many of yours, changed forever.
“Wars make poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows.”
Dr. Martin Luther King said these wise words, and he was right. Prophetic words that the organization I belong to – September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows – chose as our guiding principle. We organized in the Fall of 2001, family members who discovered common purpose by turning our grief into action for peace. It felt quite lonely at first, but over time we discovered – We Are Many. Hundreds, then thousands, then hundreds of thousands of people around the globe deciding that justice rarely comes with weapons, or wars. Justice makes her mark when the power is with the people.
This is why I am asking you to join me in a virtual screening of the film ‘We Are Many’, the story behind another important day in history – February 15th, 2003. On that day, millions of people around the world gathered and marched and demanded both a stop to the threat of invading Iraq; and for justice requiring truth and accountability. We the People were told there was evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. We the People knew better. We the people were right, and righteous in our opposition.
So, JOIN September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows:
September 21st, 8 PM ET / 5PM PT ‘100 CITIES. ONE NIGHT FOR PEACE.’ Nationwide Livestream Screening of WE ARE MANY + Music and Special Guests. Followed by LIVE Q&A.
WATCH THE FILM on Vimeo here.
We Are Many invokes the power of people, both singular and collective, to change the course of history.
And for that reminder, and that hope, I am deeply grateful.
In peace,
Colleen Kelly, September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows