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Vancouver, United States

In late December 2002, several of us from Vancouver, Washington found ourselves at another peace movement meeting in nearby Portland, Oregon. We asked ourselves why we didn't have a peace movement in our home of Vancouver. We began Vancouver for Peace during the first week of January 2003. On February 15th there were...

Seattle, WA

Marched on two separate occasions - 1st was huge - I have no idea of the estimate of numbers of people, but marched right down 5th avenue looking forward & backward and saw nothing but a sea of people. I marched next to a Jamaican/Rasta style marching band, and ran into my 7th...

Washington DC, USA

Took a bus early in the morning with my friend Jorge from NYC to Washington DC. Went with friends to all marches against the war in NYC. Still fume when I remember Bush saying that the vast sea of protesters marching in the streets ot the capital was nothing more than a focus...

San Francisco, USA

My younger daughter and I were living in Santa Cruz, CA and my older daughter was attending UC Santa Barbara. On Feb. 15, 2003 my older daughter came up and the three of us and a number of their friends in two cars, went up to San Francisco and participated in the march,...

Santa Fe, New Mexico USA

My partner (no longer living) and I fashioned our signs and marched with 8,000 other people from the Roundhouse (state Capitol building) to the Plaza! My sign was dripping with red paint, a bit graphic and actually upset a tourist on the plaza. I felt all of us world wide were making a...

Boulder, CO, US

It was a small number, husband suffered from a break down from events related to 9/11 and by the time of this march the marriage had collapsed and I walked with my 7 year old son. The pain from having tried to go on with our lives as if the message brought to...

Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and New York City

Not my story . . . rather my promo for the film: ANTI-WAR ACTIVISTS . . . Peace Makers . . . Lovers of Life . . . If you were one of the millions upon millions of individuals (and yes - there were that many people) who took to the streets to protest in...


Cold weather, duct tape, police dogs/horses, civil obedience/disobedience, love/hate, warm soup!...

Tucson Arizona, United States

At sunset we marched from a church to the Campbell - Speedway streets intersection. We did a candlelight vigil for peace. My 11 year-old son was with me. He's 24, now. We're still at war....