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New York, NY

I was a volunteer with United for Peace and Justice, I spent days handing out flyers beforehand (and getting yelled at by people who said 'we want war!') and then the whole day I was selling buttons and hats etc in the street to make money for the organizers. After we ran out...

New York City – U.S.A.

We chartered a bus from Town Hall in Arlington, Massachusetts which left at 7 am in the freezing/dark/cold. It was a full bus. We got to NYC at 10:30 where we "joined the millions" to protest the coming war on Iraq. Richie Havens opened the rally with his anthemic "Freedom" from Woodstock. Our...

New York City

We made signs, bundled up in our warmest coats, and marched with about 1 million people in NYC. There was a group of Thayer artists named Billionaires for Bush carrying signs "Blood for oil!" We were students & professionals, artists & lawyers, children & grannies, rich & poor, and every color in the...


It was quite cold, but the energy was electric. How I wish the war had been averted! So much death and futility....

San Francisco, USA

My clearest memory of that day is the amazing tamales someone was selling out of a cooler. It was a long time ago, but I remember the sea of people in front of City Hall. I remember looking down Market St. and seeing more people behind us than I had ever seen in...

Minneapolis, USA

I marched in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I had moved to the US from the UK a few days before 11 Sept 2001. I heard so much racism, Islamophobia and war mongering in those years. But as I marched with thousands of people in the streets of Minneapolis, I realized that many working class people...

Washington D.C

I was there. It was in Washington D.C. USA. I crossed the Peace Bridge in Fort Erie,Ontario around 9:00 p.m. on the Friday evening. It was snowing hard. We all met at a College in Buffalo, N.Y. Six buses left that evening and traveled all night to Washington arriving around 9 or 10:00...

Seattle, WA, USA

My husband and I joined the march (and others like it) with our young daughters, 2 and 5, one of whom perched on my husband's shoulders shouting, "We don't want a war," except she couldn't say her "r's" so it was "We don't want a waw." But the message was clear. WE DIDN'T...