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San Francisco, CA

I marched with some of the children and their parents from my class at a Waldorf school in Marin County. I remember how inspiring it was to be in the streets with up to 200,000 other people, all sharing my opinion that this war was a terrible, no good, evil proposition. I believed...

San Francisco, CA USA

I had been going to meetings and smaller rallies since July 2002 in San Francisco. My nephew, in the Marines Reserve, had been called up to Camp Pendleton (he bravely refused to be deployed to Iraq when asked). My heart was full of anticipatory grief in February 2003. I feared that there were...

Asheville, NC

I was there. Hundreds, if not thousands, gathered in Pritchard Park in downtown Asheville, NC. There trees were full of people, as was every bench, table, rock, sidewalk, and brick wall around the park. The people spilled into the streets. I was my first major protest and a couple of years later, I was...

Newton, Massachusetts, USA

A rather large gathering at the Newton Center "triangle."  As always, I was feeling uncomfortable in the role of a demonstrator but very obviously not as much as some other people around me.  It was rush hour at this commuters' cross-road and quite a few people honked their horn.  A police car was...

Seattle, United States

I was part of the 20,000-30,000 people who marched in Seattle. It was powerful to be part of such an important day and to see so many people passionately speaking out against tyranny and aggression. I look forward to seeing the whole story of that day told in this film. Leading up the Bush/Gore...

New York, United States

It was bitterly cold on that day in Northern New York, but that didn't stop the hundreds who gathered in the Chapel of St Lawrence University to hear speakers before we set out to march. Bundled to our eyeballs we walked out en masse through the main thoroughfares, holding signs and trying to...

New York, United States

My husband Neil and I were alarmed at the ever increasing calls for war in late 2002 and early 2003. When we learned that there would be a march in New York on February 15 to demand that our country not attack Iraq, we were determined to be there. We live in Virginia,...

San Francisco, United States

I marched in San Francisco with friends and members of the Threshold Choir.  Everyone I knew was there, drumming, dancing, having a wild time.  It felt so good to be out with all these other people who were also opposed to starting a war in Iraq.  Some of us with the Threshold Choir gathered...