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Amir Amirani



Amir is a film-maker with a strong track record of work for some of the most respected series of the BBC.

He has a degree in Biology from Nottingham University and an M.Phil in International Relations from Cambridge University.

Amir joined the BBC in 1992 and took up a Graduate Production Traineeship. In 1994, Amir and his brother Taghi established Amirani Films to produce documentaries for the major UK broadcasters, the BBC, Channel 4, PBS, and other international broadcasters.

Amir has made films for several of the BBC’s flagship series, including the multi BAFTA award-winning Arena, Timewatch, Picture This, Correspondent and Newsnight, for which he was nominated for an Amnesty International Award. A film he directed in South Africa was nominated for the One World Broadcasting Trust Awards.

Amir also works in radio, where he has produced programmes for leading series on BBC Radio 4, such as In Business, From Our Own Correspondent, The World Tonight, and single programmes such as From Tehran With Laughter. He has also directed British televisionís most popular soap opera.

His journalism includes writing for the New Statesman, New Scientist, Business Traveller Asia and the Economist Intelligence Unit. His work has been well-reviewed by the press.

He lives in London, enjoys dancing and cooking, recently got an allotment on which one day he is sure he will grow his own vegetables, and sometimes plays with a Rubik’s Cube to pass the time.